Women & Gender Studies Spring 2014 courses!

WMS 182: Globalization, Gender, & Culture

CRN # 43976

Professor Amina Mama, Women and Gender Studies

TR 12:10-2:00p, Hutchinson 102

This course introduces globalization as a process of interconnected cultural, social and economic transformations.  Participants will develop transnational and feminist perspectives on the differentiated and unequal effects of globalizing institutions around the world.  Key globalizing institutions (military, political, economic and cultural) will be discussed to highlight the micro-political, institutional and macro-economic dynamics of global changes. Combining critical perspectives on international development with feminist perspectives on the global economy, labor and social relations, and the meaning of identity, the students will develop an understanding of the gender, class and ethnically differentiated local impacts of global power.  Examples will be drawn from the Africa, Asia and Latin America and the USA.


WMS189: Race, Gender, Sexuality, Disease, Public Health and Colonial and Empire Formations

CRN #42591

Professor Wendy Ho
TR 2:10-4pm

This WMS189 special topics seminar examines public health histories and its interconnections with critical race, gender, sexuality, disease and colonial/empire formations.  Inclusive within this discussion will be topics on ethnicity, social-economic class, biopolitics, govermentality, citizenship, trans/nationalism, environment, biocolonialism, contemporary material feminisms.  If you enjoy serious reading across disciplines, this may be the class for you.  This is an upper-division course and backgrounds in critical race and ethnic studies, women and critical gender studies, cultural studies, medical anthropology and/or public health, medicine and biosciences will be helpful.  Graduate students with permission from their departments or programs can take this for graduate credit.

Reading List includes:

1. Nayan Shah. Contagious Divides: Epidemic and Race in San Francisco Chinatown

2. Laura Briggs.  Race, Sex, Science and US Imperialism in Puerto Rico

3. Natalia Molina. Fit to be Citizens? Public Health and Race in Los Angeles

4. Harriet Washington. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present

5. Philippa Levine. Prostitution, Race and Politics: Policing Venereal Disease in the British Empire

6. Warwick Anderson. The Cultivation of Whiteness: Science, Health and Racial Destiny in Australia


WMS 192: Social Activism Internship (4 units)
CRN# 42600

Professor Susy Zepeda

Tuesdays, 2:10-5pm* (Note revised time)

This Women and Gender Studies 192: Social Activism Internship 4-unit course will be an opportunity to critically engage with concepts such as “community accountability,” “social justice,” and “collaboration and conflict” in a collective classroom setting, while engaging “best practices” at an internship site of choice. We will engage complex questions such as: how do we engage in social activism while practicing self-reflexivity and staying critical of institutions?  We will pay close attention to the praxis of building community spaces that honor differences across race, class, gender, sexuality, citizenship status, generation, language, ability, and worldviews.

Students will either continue an internship they have previously participated in or make contact with a social justice-centered organization early on in the quarter to participate in an internship during spring 2014.  Students will be required actively participate in fieldwork at their internship site on a weekly basis. Students will be expected to take field notes and keep a reflective journal. If you have questions about a possible internship site, e-mail: sjzepeda@ucdavis.edu.

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