Israel in Asia: Settler Colonialism, Mobility, and Rupture

Middle East/South Asia Studies, UC Davis Event: Shihade lecture

Israel in Asia:

Settler Colonialism, Mobility, and Rupture

A public lecture by

Magid Shihade
Faculty Member at the Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, Palestine.

Monday, April 7th


2203 Social Science & Humanities Building

(Andrews Conference Room)

Magid Shihade is a faculty member at the Institute for International Studies at Birzeit University, Palestine and is currently a research fellow affiliated with the Middle East/South Asia Studies program at the University of California-Davis. He is also a postdoctoral transregional fellow at the Social Science Research Council.  His research focuses on decolonization, modernity, violence, identity, and the anthropology and politics of knowledge. His book, “Not Just a Soccer Game: Colonialism and Conflict among Palestinians in Israel,” was published in 2011 by Syracuse University Press. He has published several articles and book chapters about topics such as Ibn Khaldoun and alternative political theory and settler colonialism in Israel-Palestine and has edited a special issue of the journal Interface on the Arab Spring. His new research project is a study of Palestinians in Israel during military rule from 1948-1966, tentatively titled: “Israel in Asia: Settler-Colonialism, Mobility, and Identity among ’48 Palestinians.”


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